Press Release

Kathryn Murphy and Lindsey Obenhaus honored by D Magazine as Best Lawyers in Dallas 2023

Peer respect and recognition for their exceptional work in family law earns Goranson Bain Ausley Partners Kathryn Murphy and Lindsey Obenhaus recognition as a D Magazine Best Lawyers in Dallas 2023. “Kathryn and Lindsey possess the hallmark qualities of successful.

Northwestern Mutual: 5 Things for New Business Owners to Prioritize

Starting a new business can be a thrilling, rewarding, and challenging step for anyone. To ensure they are as prepared as possible, here are five important things for new business owners to think about before opening their business.   Have.

Northwestern Mutual: 3 Things New Business Owners Should Know

Starting a new business is an exciting and gratifying prospect for many people. Whether it’s building a promising a new app, setting up a catering company, or becoming a photographer, entrepreneurship can be incredibly rewarding.  Here are some strategies for.

How The Fed Rate Increases Will Impact Mortgages

The Federal Reserve (“The Fed”) has raised its benchmark interest rate for the third time in a year to help combat record-high inflation. These changes have sent many borrowers scrambling to get debts subject to interest rate increases paid off.

Credit Card Interest Rates Are At 20%. How Do You Pay Off Your Debt?

A recent report found that the average credit card interest rate was 20%! How can anyone pay off their debts when one-fifth of their payment goes to interest alone? Here are a few ideas. Why are interest rates so high?.

How The New Medical Debt Rules Can Help Your Credit Score

Medical debt is one of the most difficult headaches for Americans to deal with. It can cause major financial problems, and it can have a serious impact on your credit score. Luckily, lenders and credit reporting bureaus are taking this.

How To Deal With Credit Card Fraud Alerts In 2023

Few things are more stressful than receiving a credit card fraud alert from your credit card company. Luckily, dealing with fraud, and fraud alerts, is easier than ever, thanks to new tech credit bureaus added recently. Here’s how to amend.

Why People With Good Credit Scores Are About To Get Penalized By Administration

Starting this May, homeowners with high credit scores may see an increase in their mortgage rates. But why is this happening, and is it really as bad as everyone’s making it seem? Why are mortgage fees changing? Effective May 1,.

4 Pitfalls of Retirement Planning

Retirement is a time to relax, enjoy the fruits of your hard work, spend time with family, and more. However, planning for retirement takes discipline and commitment. Not preparing adequately can make it harder to have a comfortable retirement or.

The Difference Between Retirement and a Pension Plan

For many people, retirement planning is one of the biggest financial goals to reach, and fortunately, there are many ways to get there. Two common ways to save for retirement are retirement plans and pension plans. Each can provide you.